A new generation of façade consisting of a base system with an ample range of mullions and transoms that provides answers to the different style and construction needs for architectural projects.
Its base profile range of 16 mm to 250 mm in mullions and 22.5 mm to 255.5 mm in transoms, and equally with the complementary accessories, are common to the new CORTIZO façades. The extensive profile range and their mechanical unions allows for all types of façades to be built (vertically, inclining, 90° corners, corners and polyagonals) as well as resolving large and heavy modulations.
With this ST 52 façade the glass is glued to an aluminium frame using structural silicone. The fixing of the glass-frame set to the supporting profiles is done by using the system's clips.
The style characteristic of this system is to offer the same aspect, whether with fixed glazing or with practicables, both in the exterior as in the interior.
Its glass only external style is with an open groove and the first weather barrier being an EPDM gasket which is installed around the perimeter of each module. An overlap closes the space between the gaskets.